So I do my plan Sunday :) For me Sunday begins a new week, and we usually do leftover somethings with Sunday dinner on Monday.
Sunday- Roast in the crock pot, with just some diced onions and seasonings. I'll make up some scalloped potatoes since we're tired of mashed since the holidays.. and some corn and peas.
Monday- Shepard's pie, with smashed potatoes on top, they are mixed with cheese, and yummy-ness so Mr. Bear won't mind much.
Tuesday- Leftovers night, there will likely be shepard's pie, veggies, meatloaf from Sat. and stuff like that.. it's also trash night so we'll eat up stuff before it needs to go out.
Wednesday- jumbalya from a box and kielbasa tossed in and some steamed corn.
Thursday- Pork loin in the crock pot with saurkraut, and some mashed potatoes, I'll likely cook up some hot dogs too for Anthony, and snacking later! LET'S GO PENN STATE!!! Hopefully will ring in the new year with some good luck! YUM I can't wait for some kraut!
Friday- Meatball subs with mozz. sprinkled on top, and mozz. stix.
Saturday- Grilled Cheese, Tomato soup, and any leftovers you'd like..
Sunday- Chicken Stuffing bake with some corn, and maybe some biscuits or mashed..
Monday- Chili (already in the freezer) with noodles, making it chili mac, and some either french bread or garlic toast.
Tuesday- Salmon cakes with rice a roni shells, and some veggies, finally!
Wednesday- Sloppy Joes, with mac and cheese. If there's any fries or tots hanging out in the freezer they'll get cooked up too.
I planned up for awhile just so I can get some stuff used up..
Hope every one had a great holiday, we did, and little bear made out like a bandit, he was a very good boy this year! I had mounds and mounds of card board to break down and get rid of, I couldn't stand the clutter. I had a hall way in our apartment we had been using as storage for coolers, extra chairs for the table, the air compresser, and I found new places to stash them all, now little bear can use that area to play, I'll have to take some pictures of it, I should have take a before and after.
And I hope every one has a great 2009!