August 23, 2009

A day away was just what the doctor ordered.

I'm not sure why, but the last few days I was cranky and tired. Likely my sleeping habits and still not having our little cottage just the way I want.. also having in-laws for neighbors has something to do with it. The past few days I just felt like blah.. there is one thing that made me smile big. We have a stray kitty hanging out from time to time that we call Charlie, and he is as sweet as pie. We also have mice.. so I think we're going to adopt Charlie. And I hope Charlie is a mouser, and will make Charlie perfect for us. This is our first home in the country so I was taken aback by the mice! They are tiny cute little nasty disgusting little buggers! Eww! I did catch one on a sticky trap and felt really bad for the nasty cute little disgusting thing.

Yesterday we got sometime away and it was amazing. We didn't do anything special. Just went out on the lake on the boat and drifted along for the day. I loved it.

See, the perfect cure for the funk.

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